Here are my latest Projects, Blogs and Comments.
Ausdauertraining – Einsteigerbuch für Studierende
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Sportarten, die zur Verbesserung der allgemeinen aeroben dynamischen Ausdauer geeignet sind: Laufen, Indoorcycling, Aquajogging und Nordic Walking. In zwei Kapiteln werden ausführlich die Leistungsdiagnostik [...]
Marathon Book
The book contains recent research about physiology, psychology, nutrition and training aspects of Marathon Running of different age, gender and performance level. The basic knowledge of marathon running with [...]
German Fitness Science Board
I participated in the founding of the German Fitness Science Council. I believe it's an important institution to ensure quality and evidence-based fitness. Check out the broadcasting of the [...]
If you're interested in Sport Science talks listen to my weekly podcast. You'll find a summary of all topics here.